Sunday, October 30, 2005

making dreams come true...

so you thought you'd never be able to play the violin huh? Well with my help, you're a pro!!

My Puppy

Okay so I am a little delusional...this is not my puppy at all. But someday I gotta get one!

Friday, October 07, 2005

c'mon I was tired guys!

So I've been getting very little sleep lately and it's starting to show in my everyday conversations. Last night at our awsesome little Bible study I was trying to describe something to the girls. See I had been walking along outside earlier that day,looking at the beautiful sky, wearing a huge, happy grin on my face. I was so happy to be alive and outside and just content and settled and(this is the random part) very happy to be single! So I said to the girls during Bible study that night, "Guys, I just looked at the sky and I was just so happy*blah blah blah* be single!". The girls thought I had said that I was looking at "this guy" and that made me so happy to be single. They were all laughing and everything and I tried to go on with my story, this time pronouncing the words more carefully. So I started over and then decided to replace "the sky" for "the heavenly body" I really meant the sky!!...Needless to say they completely misunderstood my meaning and ended up laughing hysterically again.It took me a while to get why they were laughing...
ah sleep deprivation...