Saturday, May 07, 2005


I like that song...and I mean the one from Porgy and Bess..Well I will be leaving school on Monday, it's sad. I don't want to leave my girls and everyone else. The posse is graduating tomorrow and my heart is about ready to break. Can anyone believe that in less than two years that will be me? Oh my goodness, I am not ready for real life I don't think. Thank the Lord that it doesn't all start at once. I can ease into being independent gradually.
So I went bowling last night with "boo" and Dan and Brett and Briana, Paige, and Chutch. Well all I can say is that I used to be able to break 100 and now I am on the struggle trying to break 50... first 4 tries were gutter balls, then the ball flew out of my hand as I was bringing it behind me before throwing went banging to the floor behind me and left the onlookers in hysterics...then a few gutter balls later I finally got a spare, but that was after I slipped and fell over in my attempts to send the ball down the lane. What a disaster! Hahaha! It was quite funny, no one bowled really well accept for Chutch and maybe Erik(or should I say boo?? hahaha!). Everyone had fun and I was so relieved.
Well Amtrak is my new best friend, we will be spending 18 hours together starting Monday night...wamp wamp...
Gotta go finish packing, or something. Be home soon soon soon!


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