Monday, April 18, 2005


I love unexpected conversations that arise when you least expect them to...
I'm on the struggle. I need someone to talk to and everyone's booked. Even Mom and Dad! They're out on a date. Yeah, the 20 yr old daughter is slaving away in a stuffy 3x3 practice room while after 24 years the parents are on a date. I think it's hilarious that they went to see Guess Who. Not only that but they liked it! Hahaa! I thought that movie was great by the way.
So yeah, I'm "on the struggle" as Kim would say(or should I call her K-Bling"?? Lots of "inner turmoil"...well not really turmoil, just new things going on that I want to bounce off of someone else. Someone with more experience than me. BUt there is no one around right now, so I'm gonna pray. And then get back to the practicing. Recital in 2 days! Aaaaak!


Blogger John said...

Yo shorty,
the suns always greener on the other side of the mossy sea.

just keep it...keep it

Hey i owe you some cookies i think, and maybe a thanx


10:53 AM  

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